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E-transfer Donations
Why Give Back to God?
Giving our tithes and offerings reflects a grateful heart that wants to give back to God a portion of what He has given us; in reality, what is already His. This is our opportunity to show God that He is first in our lives.
COVID-19 and continued giving
As parishionors we have until recently been able to attend the weekly Sunday Mass and have had the opportunity to present our offerings directly in the basket. However due to the closure of the churches as a result of the spread of the covid 19 in our communities, we are unable to present our gifts.
St. Therese of Lisieux church and parish does have continued expenses and kindly asks that you continue to support us by bringing in your weekly offerings. You may drop off your envelope at the church rectory office (kindly notify father that you are coming to drop off your offering) or mail in your cheques to our rectory office.
In order to limit the chances of exposure we have added for your convience, the opportunity for you to send your offering by online banking - the interac e-transfer.
Nearly all Canadian banks and credit unions offer Interac e-Transfer. Here is how it is done:
In the notification message, please provide your name(first and last) and envelope number, so we can ensure that your offering is added to your totals for next years tax receipt. Thank you. If you do not use our envelopes, please provide name, address and phone number.
St. Therese of Lisieux Church and Parish uses this e-mail address to receive your offerings: